Friday, December 7, 2007

Judge for yourself

In case your Friday was too normal

From via gawker site

" Protect our troops - from the womb to the war. What if the fetus you were going to abort would grow up to be a soldier bringing democracy to a godless dictatorship?
Plastic replica of an 11-12 week old fetus, 3" long, holding a firearm in its precious little hand, with an assortment of other military paraphernalia, encased in a translucent plastic ornament, with a patriotic yellow ribbon on top. Includes a metal ornament hanger. If only a womb were this safe, attractive and reasonably priced!
Show that you support the "culture of life" by buying and proudly displaying one of these patriotic unborn Americans.
Also available in a "Brown" model "


Neil Biswas said...

this has to be some sort of satirical social commentary action. there is NO WAY someone designed this and thought:

"you know what would make a fabulous christmas tree ornament? an unborn fetus holding an AK-47. people will definitely buy that."

in related news, patricia heaton is launching her new line of aborted fetus dolls this christmas season. . .now with extra abnormalities! mmm, mangled limbs.

Unknown said...

this just creeps me out. who would even consider buying this.