Wednesday, December 5, 2007

फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी

Dear nonexistent readers,

I am earnestly attempting to make this an actual blog, rather than having it end up being another one of my regularly occurring fleeting fancies. But you see, dear invisible friends, I have no apartment, no money, and two wisdom teeth slicing their way through my gums. So I've been distracted. But look out for future blogs! You will discover that I am 3 things: fobbish, incredibly stupid/spacey, and kinda bitchy. I hope the first two turn out to be false, and the last one - I never delude myself into thinking otherwise.

Don't die of anticipation!

P.S. did you know you can transliterate on this blog? In Hindi only. As if they know I'm brown. Damn spyware. मेरा धमाक घूम गया है।

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