Monday, January 7, 2008

One Nomad Civilized

As of May 31st, 2007, I have officially surfed six couches (and I don't even know how to swim!), excluding that brief period which could be called subletting or could be called squatting. Whichever you prefer. Today marks the last day of my life as a serial pillow surfer and the first day of my adoption into an Anglo-Saxonish (who knows these days?) family. No more lonely nights reading forgotten books on friends' coffee tables where vaginae are called Heavenly Chambers and semen is called Joyful Juice. People - an era is ending.

Tomorrow I move in with the O'Connor's**, a family of good-hearted people who are taking me in as their own. And charging me $0.

So I guess I'm still couch-surfing. But in a more permanent location and now sleeping on a bed. Ahh, the good life. And I will have an exchange-student buddy from Palestine. Exciting. Perhaps I will introduce her to the American literary phenomenon known as written porn, glossy illustrations included. On Sale, $7.99 (Canada $12.99).

*Side-note: Now you all know a perfect way to kill me. Great.
**Names have been changed. What inspired O'Connor? Why, Sandra Day, of course!


Neil Biswas said...

"Today marks the last day of my life. . ."

famous last words.

(what if this "family" is actually a murderous mob of serial killers?)

morgan said...

hey, you always have a home out here in the land of our forefathers. well. my forefathers. i'm guessing you are of no relation to anyone on the Mayflower. I'll adopt you. or you can adopt me. no no, let's get married! perks to living in massachusetts.