Friday, January 11, 2008

No, I don't want to:

1. be a doctor

2. get my masters for some medical-related field since I'm not going to be a doctor (b/c obviously I must have just done shit on my MCATS or something)

3. go to law school

4. be an ibanker

5. or "at least, get married to a doctor"

6. Stop selling crack on the side

What I really want to do is buy a yacht, declare it as an independent country, sail around the world with California or Seattle as my initial launch and make up my own language which will be an amalgam of Spanish, Punjabi, Bambara and the words I made up with my sisters when I was 5. Like, fraishus roshis - definition: I am awesome-er than you.


Unknown said...

i would like to say that it's interesting that this post got no comments...maybe it says something about your post or maybe it says something about skepticism that you made up some expression "fraishus roshi" or whatever.

Kam said...

1. good. their are already too many.
2. whoneedsit
3. that would be a huge waste of time. smart girl.
4. idon'tknowhwatthatis...
5. marriage is for suckers
6. if you stop i've got no one else PLEASE DONT STOP

frentiny ishmash bashlaniwanishmani (translation: you are a smart girl and will go far in life)