Friday, January 4, 2008

Making it in Mali: Departure

Like a prom queen or a star quarterback's desperate attempts to relive the glory days of high school by getting drunk at underage parties, I've decided to grasp at my memories of Mali through this blog. About the email below: Apparently, I thought it would be utterly hizzalarious to randomly insert nonsensical words, which for some reason all reference food (minus the HONDA - what is up with that, yo?)

HellO everybody

I just wanted to say bye bye before I leave the motherland (I'm leaving Tuesday) and make sure that everyone knows that as of January 27, 20 CHICKEN 06, I am still alive. And yes, I know many of you detest these bulk emails but there is, apparently, only one internet cafe TOM!ATO!! in Bamako, and I am poor, so this is the best way to reach all of you. If I can, I will try to send out individual emails.

Much to your delight, (or chagrin, depending on what type of masochism you aim for), my emails BEEF will most likely be short. and most likely sent out inconsistently. CELERY IS GOOD. Sorry! Can't help it. So please email me the updates of Evanstonia and any other cities you HONDA are in, and also, please don't perform any major life blunders until I come back and am able to screw it up for you further.



morgan said...

dear kam
you seem to have considerable issues with your past with concern to the effect that Mali has had on your already consternated soul. i sense a twinge of unfulfillment with the status quo.
hang in there, tiger.

horph said...

celery is disgusting.