Thursday, April 17, 2008

Otis Holds A Surprise On The Inside!

Today I got coffee for my boss because they sweetened her iced tea when she first bought it. Oh and they put too much ice. In her iced tea. So on my way to buy an unsweetened, black, venti, lightly-iced Iced Tea from Starbucks, I grabbed some carrots and hummus and ran onto Otis the Elevator. There I ran into a nice older Haitian man from an office above as I was chewing these delightful goodies of the earth. He laughed at my silliness (I think that was the image I was projecting) and asked in his lovely accent if there was a party going on in our office. I replied "Oh no, we're just eating all the time." This prompted him to offer me some sage advice in that utterly lovely accent of his, as he looked me up in down in my somewhat cleavage-revealing (on accident, I can't help it!) dress, "Do not eat too much. You will get fat. Ho ho ho ho!"

Thank you Jesus.

On another note, I have a strong tendency to flirt with Starbucks boy baristas.

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