Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some things about my new job

You're supposed to get meaner when you go from the Midwest to the East Coast. But as usual, things don't work the way they're supposed to with me. I like my new job, I really do. But everybody has this overwhelming need to be nice. It drives me nuts. Every email is written in the gentlest way possible, and sometimes I want to strangle everyone and say "you realize this is MY JOB??? You don't have to ASK me to do what I'm supposed to do! You don't have to fucking pat me on the back for stapling shit." At first, I was like "oh everyone is so optimistic and gentle here" until I realized that everyone expects me to be like them. As in Nice.

I am the girl who got an email back from someone saying "you are a really unhappy person and your life must be miserable" when I sent an email merely admonishing people, in my witty sarcastic style, that instructions to get off the College Feminists listserv were on the "school's fucking website." I am also the girl who has made almost all her ex-boyfriends* cry. I am not, by any means, nice.

But I like my job so I play along. Especially when I heard a few co-workers gossip about the only manager who writes unfluffy to-the-point emails and call her "mean" and "scary." I mean, if a manager can't be an asshole, then who am I to? And then one of the coordinators made me rewrite an email to IT because "there's a human on the receiving end." Dude, seriously? Alas, I have little patience, so I experimented with ways that would allow me to write emails that quickly get to the point but can still qualify as Nice. First I tried adding exclamation marks the to every sentence, with the occasional smiley, but that started getting ridiculous:
Hi Jan!
Attached is an Excel sheet to assist you with your report.! I really need that report by the end of the day!! I've pushed back the deadline twice! Please call me to talk about this!!!

P.S.! Sorry to hear about the divorce!! :)
So now, I've resorted to writing normal emails like my normal self (which I realize is below-average in niceness, but fuck it) and then I just end it with "Thanks!!!" The three exclamations are essential.

*ooo not the ones youuuu knowww


horph said...

i like.

morgan said...
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morgan said...

I had the same problem in my old job. But I find that the case is the exact opposite over the phone. People only call when things are bad and they want to yell at you. I came to fear the ring of my office phone, to the point where I would let my message blinker tell me I had a message without listening for weeks at a time, and to this day still tweak a little when I hear the office phone in my current job ring. Luckily, I am a peon in a great hierarchy of egos, and am not allowed to touch the phone!

samsaricanu said...

haha, everyone is so nice because DC is technically the south. i think nyc might be more up you alleyyy.