Tuesday, January 22, 2008
CTA Etiquette
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Shauvik: like me
me: its just funnier than talking about
Shauvik: hahahahaha
P.S. I didn't change his name ON PURPOSE.
Fucking Hormones
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I am Known by Many Names
Also, our staff only has 17 people.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Agni Parixa (अगिन परीक्षा)
Then I went to lunch at Subway and ordered a $2.97 Veggie sandwich from the nice lady that wears green eyeshadow to match her green Subway T-shirt.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I Swear I'm Having A Good Day Today
"So, uhh, what are you doing with your life?"
Me (possibly: A-hole #2):
"I'm paying my bills fucker." (key word missing is "barely")
fraishus roshis bitches
1. be a doctor
2. get my masters for some medical-related field since I'm not going to be a doctor (b/c obviously I must have just done shit on my MCATS or something)
3. go to law school
4. be an ibanker
5. or "at least, get married to a doctor"
6. Stop selling crack on the side
What I really want to do is buy a yacht, declare it as an independent country, sail around the world with California or Seattle as my initial launch and make up my own language which will be an amalgam of Spanish, Punjabi, Bambara and the words I made up with my sisters when I was 5. Like, fraishus roshis - definition: I am awesome-er than you.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Postgrad Hobbies
Each portrait is named respectively: "Ashu", "Ashu with Rajasthani mustache", "Ashu on crack", and my personal favorite, "Ashu on crack with Rajasthani mustache."
Making it in Mali: Paris to Bamako
omg this place is f-ing crazy
I love it.
Smells kinda like
On our flight from
The airport was small & dingy – getting our luggage meant getting pushed & shoved by many many ppl.
We started speaking French right away. Yeah. Mine <-- not so good.
Had to go up 4 flights! of stairs w/ my luggage @ the hotel. We all shoved into a van & 1 car. Desi-style man.
Au Revoir (I have to wake up at
Monday, January 7, 2008
One Nomad Civilized
Tomorrow I move in with the O'Connor's**, a family of good-hearted people who are taking me in as their own. And charging me $0.
So I guess I'm still couch-surfing. But in a more permanent location and now sleeping on a bed. Ahh, the good life. And I will have an exchange-student buddy from Palestine. Exciting. Perhaps I will introduce her to the American literary phenomenon known as written porn, glossy illustrations included. On Sale, $7.99 (Canada $12.99).
*Side-note: Now you all know a perfect way to kill me. Great.
**Names have been changed. What inspired O'Connor? Why, Sandra Day, of course!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Finally, Some Direction in Life
Bring back the red-blooded bitch
Once women knew how to deliver a good, honest dig, says Julie Burchill, but now great bitching has been replaced by half-hearted hand-wringing and hypocrisy
The Guardian
Julie Burchill
One of my favourite films ever is The Women, the 1939 comedy by George Cukor. A sparkling cyanide soda-pop of a confection, it is remarkable for two things - the absence of men from the 130 speaking roles and the extraordinarily high quality of the bitchy repartee. "Good grief, I hate to tell you, dear, but your skin makes the Rocky Mountains look like chiffon velvet!" "If you throw a lamb chop into a hot oven, what's gonna keep it from gettin' done?" "He could crack a coconut with those knees ... if he could get them together."
Over the past decade there has been the occasional buzz about a proposed remake, the most recent allegedly featuring Meg Ryan and Lisa Kudrow. Well, if it does finally happen they can start polishing up that Golden Raspberry Award right now. Because the standard of bitching in the time that has passed since the original will surely render it about as sparkling as a bottle of Tizer with the top left off.
Read the rest here: Bring Back the Red Blooded Bitch
Making it in Mali: Departure
HellO everybody
I just wanted to say bye bye before I leave the motherland (I'm leaving Tuesday) and make sure that everyone knows that as of January 27, 20 CHICKEN 06, I am still alive. And yes, I know many of you detest these bulk emails but there is, apparently, only one internet cafe TOM!ATO!! in Bamako, and I am poor, so this is the best way to reach all of you. If I can, I will try to send out individual emails.
Much to your delight, (or chagrin, depending on what type of masochism you aim for), my emails BEEF will most likely be short. and most likely sent out inconsistently. CELERY IS GOOD. Sorry! Can't help it. So please email me the updates of Evanstonia and any other cities you HONDA are in, and also, please don't perform any major life blunders until I come back and am able to screw it up for you further.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Hello Year of the Rat
And so my year begins with an end to my couch surfing, anti-social tendencies, and possibly an end to my ubiquitous negativity all in the name of the adapting surviving rat. In that vein of change and positivity, I've decided to be more genuine and sincere* and explain what this blog is about:
Heehaw, y'all, I'm juss kiddin'**.
Mostly, it's about all the shit that goes down, since I seem to find myself in, shall we say, "interesting," situations. I have a sneaking suspicion that these convoluted situations have something to do with my attempts at becoming an adult. (Side-story: it's ego-boosting to know that your ex-boyfriend*** hasn't really bothered with the whole adult thing, despite being in med school. Proof: he calls you on New Year's Eve as a prank - the EXACT same prank he pulled the New Year's Eve 2006 - and says he, "wants you," as his Beavis & Butthead friends guffaw in the background. It's also nice to validate one's brutal dumping of aforementioned ex, in case one happened to have any lingering doubts.) I also have a suspicion that my attempts at becoming a fully-functioning adult are constantly sabotaged by my memories of Mali, as I have lost all semblance of life-direction and realistic goals since returning. So this blog is a record of Post-Mali life, which I assume will eventually merge with Post-Grad life.
And in case you're wondering why the fuck you should give a rat's ass (heehaw, pun totally intended), consider these posts as words of wisdom as you take a stab at being mature - perhaps you can avoid similar life-hiccups. Remember me when you microwave cookies and say "oh yes, Kamdizzle's poignant essay on the dangers of microwave technology has now made me wary of these new-fangled ways of cooking. I'll do the more American thing and cook some raw meat over a spit-fire on my back porch. Because I'm American. Yes. I mean, "YEAGHHHHHrghhh!"
*I'm lying.
**No, I'm not.
***I'm so fucking mature, I'm not going to say his name. He will remain anonymous. Fucker.